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ArdhaNaraNārī : a journey into the masculine & the feminine

ArdhaNaraNāri: The union of the masculine and feminine in the Self is often reduced to just Man and Woman. This workshop is a visceral and somatic experience of the nature of Feminine and Masculine within oneself.

The focus is to de-mystify these principles through an experiential process of engaging with our own experiences (often bringing in opposite voices) and coming to an understanding of our own inner nature. 

 - Experiential understanding of the principles of Masculine and Feminine
- The veil of time and it’s impact on today's Man and Woman
- Working with Opposite Voices and Polarities within oneself 
- Navigating Inner Conflicts Vs. Inner Intimacy

Age Group: 27 years & above

Last Date to Register:

28 February, 2021 (subject to availability)

Workshop Fees

Respecting the diversity of geography of residency & relative economies, you pay: * 

India and South Asia

Fee: INR 18,000

Global North

USD 480

Global South

USD 360

Fees Administration:

– Participants enrol for the entire workshop and not specific sessions. 
– Participants commit to attending all sessions.

* Your residency / work determines the fees payable. If your personal financial situation (irrespective of geography) comes in the way of attending, please connect with us to discuss alternatives. Likewise for residents of distressed economies.

Refunds: Nil, upon commencement. 50%, a week before start. 90%, if substitute is accepted and payment is complete prior to course commencement. Processing time: approx. 15 days. No refunds for sessions missed.


Administrative Details

– 04 Saturdays, starts 06 March & ends 27 March, 2021
– daylight saving time changes (outside India) during the course of the workshop, might require a change of time and will be discussed with participants
– online, secure sessions
– max. cohort: 06
– language: English


Disclaimer: These sessions do not substitute regular therapy and informed medical care. By engaging with us and attending these sessions, you automatically provide us with your informed consent and are bound by the principles and tenets of therapy agreement and session guidelines, as detailed on our website.

Informed Consent: You participate on your own accord in the spirit of learning, and take responsibility for your well-being. You declare that you are currently not under medicated psychiatric care. You submit that you are a legal adult in the country of your residency. You understand that your identity will be known to other participants over online medium. You consent to not recording the session in any audio-video-electronic format, though you may take notes for your personal learning. You understand that the recordings will not be shared with you - they are only for the facilitators. You agree to abide by norms of confidentiality and respect it for yourself and other participants.

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